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graph of returning visitors and ranking

10 Reasons Why Your Rankings Have Dropped

February 22, 2021

You have noticed that your leads and sales have stagnated. Checking the analytics reports, you find that your site’s SEO ranking has dropped. What could have caused this, you ask yourself? Here are 10 reasons why your rankings have dropped. The nature of Google Searches Google’s search nature is heavily…

people in a meeting looking at analytics

What is CRO and Why It is Important

February 4, 2021

Conversion rate optimisation is the practice of converting web traffic into leads and later into customers. These leads would potentially click on your link, sign up for your service, and purchase your product. It’s one of the most effective schemes of increasing the percentage of visitors to perform sought-after actions…

google adwords text tile on desk with keyboard and mobile phone

What You Need to Know About Google AdWords

January 27, 2021

You keep hearing about it. More and more businesses are utilising Google Adwords or simply known as Google Ads. But what is in Google Ads that most digital marketing specialist in Hobart would want them to include it in every campaign? Does it really work? Does it give you the…

wordpress website

10 Reasons Why Your Website Needs Regular Update

January 15, 2021

Your website is the most effective way to promote your brand and generate sales. It’s the ultimate representation of what you do and how you can help your target audience. SEO and other digital marketing strategies are helpful in keeping you on top of relevant searches. However, studies show that…

cup of coffee behind tablet

The Value of SEO For Your Business

January 13, 2021

Have you ever thought about hiring SEO services in Hobart for your business? You might have heard the impact of search engine optimisation, and it’s all true! SEO can do wonders for your brand and its sales if done properly. In fact, SEO is a crucial aspect of digital marketing…

man typing code for website development

Why You Need to Invest in a Quality Website

December 24, 2020

Are you planning to get a website for your business? Perhaps you already have one and would want to revamp it? Remember that your website is the face of your business. It’s the primary funnel that can convert those leads into sales. However, to do that, it must be well-optimised…

man watching video on website on tablet along with cup of coffee

How Can Videos Improve Your Landing Page CTR?

December 12, 2020

Outranking your competitors in the digital world is not always easy. The audience becomes harder to please, and the search engine algorithm changes from time to time. You would need to look at the trends and updates regularly. In other cases, business owners would hire digital marketing experts in Hobart…

google analytics laptop

Top 6 Free Tools for Technical SEO

December 11, 2020

Boosting up your site’s traffic and accomplishing maximum online visibility are crucial aspects to every business owner. Fortunately, you can achieve this with effective search engine optimisation strategies. If you are new in understanding how digital marketing works, SEO focuses on different aspects of your website — all of which…

graphs in a laptop on demographics of audience

8 Highly Essential SEO Ranking Factors

December 10, 2020

Search engine optimisation is an effective and cost-efficient way to boost your online visibility and get quality leads that can be converted later into sales. Businesses are beginning to focus more on their SEO. However, businesses owners should know that this is not a one-time strategy. SEO takes regular implementation…

search google keywords

The Benefits of Google My Business

December 2, 2020

Remember how phonebooks and directories were such a big deal back then? When you want to search for the nearest phone repair shop, you needed to quickly look for that big book of yellow pages. As technology advances, there has been a significant improvement in how we look for products…

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