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Beginner Guide To Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO Beginners Guide: The Fundamentals Of SEO

May 13, 2021

Learn the basics of increasing search page rankings and driving traffic to your website through Search Engine Optimisation. Part 1:  The Basics of SEO This blog post is designed to provide absolute beginners with a solid foundational knowledge of SEO, which you can build upon as you read more detailed…

seo team meeting explanation

What to Consider When Choosing an SEO Company in Hobart

April 26, 2021

When choosing an SEO company, you want to do it the right way. Do not rush and think through every step. Finding the right SEO company for you and your business surely is a worthwhile investment. Set your SEO goals Have a clear definition of your goals. Check the services…

video for SEO

The Impact of Video On Your SEO

April 19, 2021

You may not fully realise this but videos have a very big impact on your SEO. Video content is always an essential ingredient when it comes to organic searches. But now with the shift in search engine algorithms, it’s time you should put more effort and attention into videos. Here…

web developer web codes on laptop

What to Ask a Web Designer Before Hiring Them

April 12, 2021

If you are a business owner, then you would definitely know how big of an impact websites have on your business. Most times, your website would be your brand’s first interaction with your customers. To make sure that you leave a good first impression, you should hire just the right…

woman working on seo and web design

How SEO and Web Design Can Work to Your Advantage

April 6, 2021

To succeed in today’s business landscape, a strong online presence is needed to get people to visit your website. SEO and web design are two strong factors business owners can use to boost their online presence. First, you need to make people visit your site. Then you must give a…

seo ranking monitor analytics

5 Simple SEO Tools to Check Your Rankings

March 22, 2021

How do you determine the success of your SEO efforts? There are many aspects you can check to see if your search engine optimisation efforts have paid off. One evident way is to check your rankings. When you look into your rankings, you will be able to see how your…

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Top Reasons You Should Advertise on Google & Facebook

March 15, 2021

There is some debate about Facebook ads and Google AdWords. Which is a better place to advertise your brand? No platform is perfect. However, when you maximise these two powerful platforms, you are sure to leverage your business in ways you didn’t expect. After all, hitting two birds with one…

man looking into the key metrics of SEO website

5 SEO Key Metrics You Need to Monitor

March 8, 2021

After a site audit, you identified a few issues and fixed them. You went through all the on-page search engine optimisation techniques. You did some link building. You also got the website rank up for the right keywords. Everything seems to look good. All there is left to do is…

man editing on wordpress blog for internal linking

How Does Internal Linking Help Your SEO?

March 1, 2021

Most marketers overlook this common yet effective method to improve your SEO — internal linking. This is not a form of backlinks.  It is not involved in content marketing.  This aspect is entirely different. At first, it may not seem much. For instance, can linking to other pages on your…

graph of returning visitors and ranking

10 Reasons Why Your Rankings Have Dropped

February 22, 2021

You have noticed that your leads and sales have stagnated. Checking the analytics reports, you find that your site’s SEO ranking has dropped. What could have caused this, you ask yourself? Here are 10 reasons why your rankings have dropped. The nature of Google Searches Google’s search nature is heavily…

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